Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My Dream Board

Brea's Dream Board

I am a big believer in positive thought and aspiration.  I firmly believe that if you put your mind, energy and passion towards something that you will yield a result.  Now, I'm not claiming I can control outcomes.  Simply put, I believe that we all have a large influence over results by controlling our own actions that lead us in the direction of our intention.

I spent about an hour tonight thinking about some of the things I want to make my life into.  Certainly I already have achieved a lot in 27 years and feel grateful for it.  Things I am proud of: my husband, my home, my career, and my positive attitude are all things I'm thankful for.  But if I stopped now, I wouldn't have anything more than what I have today.  This is why I am always pushing for bigger results, more exposure, better experiences, more substantial people in my life, and measurable outcomes.

I decided to create a "Dream Board".  There are many ways to do this.  Some people cut pictures and words out of magazines.  Since I tend to do things via my PC, I decided to use Oprah's Dream Board creator tool.  I selected pictures and wrote in words of things I want in my life.  (My dream board is above).

To share with you all, the dream life I would like to create includes:
  • Love.  The picture of my husband and me is in the middle of my dream board and was the first thing I selected.  I dream of a relationship of compassion, empathy, excitement, love (verb), and connection.  Love is a process and an experience in which we are always learning... and I intend dream big in love.
  • Romance.  It's more than just being married, it's showing each other we love one another each and every day.  It's something we take for granted and I want to be much more intentional in my romance with my husband.
  • Home.  I love my home and all that it affords me (a place to live, a place to entertain, a place to be myself).  I want to ensure it's a place I am grateful for and improving because we are lucky to have this wonderful place we call "home".  Here is where I am creating my nest.
  • Giving of Myself.  Volunteerism is more than just donations and time, it's giving of oneself to a bigger cause.  To help others and give back is fundamental to what I believe is core to our society and my life.  I intend to increase how much I give of myself to others.  The return on this investment is immeasurable. 
  • Body & Mind Alignment.  I want my body to look as good as I feel.  I want my mind to think as sharply as I envision.  And I want to ensure I'm creating a harmony between the two so I can be the best me possible.
  • Celebration & Appreciation.  All too often, I run through life without saying "thank you" to those who help me or love me.  I intend to better show appreciation and gratitude for their involvement in my life.  I also intend to better celebrate the successes and joys I get to share.  If I spent more time celebrating and appreciating, there would be very little time left for negative energy (a great side effect).
  • Travel.  Tropical vacation, here I come!  I need a little time on the beach, sipping a tropical drink.  So I intend to make it happen.  Whether it's saving or finding a great deal, we are going to travel someplace hot where I can wear a bikini and party with my husband!  We also are going to do more local travel, because the Pacific Northwest is amazing and we are lucky to live here. 
  • Exposure.  I want to make an impact.  It can be with my day job and influencing those in my network.  It could be through alternate means like volunteering or engaging in extra-curricular activities.  It could be getting exposure for connecting with all of you.  No matter what it is, exposure is important to me and I'd like to better represent the good I hope to bring to others.
  • Financial Aspiration & Compelling Work.  For me, these things are combined.  I believe that if I engage in compelling work, I will gain financially.  I aspire to have more, save more and invest more.  I aspire to take my career to the next level through hard work and dedication.  I hope these things result in more financial reward, which gives me a tool to achieve some of the other dreams I have.
  • Balance.  I end with the most important.  For me, it's about priorities and efficiency.  I'm always aspiring to improve both so I can make these dreams real.  I can certainly have all of these aspirations and intentions, however if I don't balance them all, my life loses focus.  I aim to stay balanced and true to my dreams throughout this process.
What's so exciting about this, is that many of the topics we will touch on in this blog are in alignment with this board.  I am passionate about exploring all of the areas of these dreams with you.  And I share this all with you because I think committing publicly to these dreams holds us all accountable for actually achieving results.  I'm taking a risk.  I'm including you.  I hope you too think about your dreams and how you can invite others in to your journey.

Start today.  Make your own Dream Board. 

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