Thursday, November 18, 2010

Culinary Orchestra

Can I just start with an O.M.G.  I don't really have a Bucket List, but if I did, eating at the Herbfarm would be like #4 or #5. 

After our awesome first day and a half in Woodinville, I couldn't imagine things getting better.  But I didn't realize a Culinary Orchestra was in our future.

We headed to the Herbfarm on the lot of Willows Lodge for what was to be a 4-hour, 9-course, 5-wine flight of bliss.  And the bottom line - the advertisements don't lie.  The theme: The Uber Tuber (potatoes)... couldn't have picked a better theme to try!

As soon as we sat down to a table with 6 glasses, more silverware than I could count and a table full of strangers... I knew it was going to be entertaining.  We started with a first course of potatoes three ways - fried with caviar, potato confit, and a potato pancake with prosciutto and other amazing goodness.  I almost licked the plate.  The next three courses were heavenly... a seafood dish that was light and creamy; a halibut fillet with the most elegant french fry I've ever seen; and potato croquettes with micro greens. 

After the first course, the owner welcomed us and explained the evening to follow.  The opening act was like a theatre production.  The culinary director introduced a full background of every server, cook, wine steward, and sous chef in the place.  It looked like a chorus line of culinary rock stars by the time he was finished!  The most impressive member of the team was the head chef, who is the youngest 5-diamond chef in North America (he looked under 30).  They finished the introductions with a classic draw of the red curtains to reveal the kitchen and the evening commenced.

Courses 5 through 9 were like a symphony.  Highs and lows, emotion and artistry.  Some of the highlights include a 40-layer potato cake (right on the red plate), a potato flan freeze, a dessert plate to die for and my favorite, the foie gras that melted in my mouth. 

Because we were there so long, they gave us a few things to do to pass the time.  We had classic potato head fixings and were invited out back to feed their pigs, Basil and Borage.  By this time, we were feeling pretty good from those wine pairings, as illustrated by the below picture:

I was officially being referred to as the creepy girl who took hundreds of pictures.  I couldn't put that silly camera down, but wanted to share some of the great parts of the experience. 

Each bite we took and sip we gulped confirmed that we were lucky to have had this experience.  If you ever have the chance to go - do it.  You won't regret a bite!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I've always wanted to go there!!! Now I definitely have to. (-: